Men's Fellowship

Our Men’s Fellowship meets every month, and we aim to have a varied programme of events. We aim to foster friendships between men in our church, and with the local community. Anyone attending the Men’s Fellowship can expect to receive a warm welcome, grab a cup of coffee, enjoy the company of new friends, and hear talks/be involved in discussions which are relevant to men’s lives today.

Every few months we have activities away from church such as ten pin bowling, go karting, visits to places of interest – Parliament Buildings, Kingspan (Nevin Spence Centre). In Jan/February each year we organise the Crescent Men’s Weekend with a guest speaker, this weekend is a great opportunity for Church Members to get to know each other better, to laugh together, pray together and study God’s word.

Like most church activities the Men's Fellowship haven't been able to meet due to lockdown and Covid. A number of events are being planned for March and April 2022, revisit this page for further details.